(14 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I'm sure there are many other sp maps that could be done.  However, I thought it would be much easier to load just the map as is and play from there---something you could do with Quake 2 I have noticed.  Although, there would be one spawn spot for player to enter (which could cause a fragging effect when other players join-in as well).  Usually, the first player would move right away from the spot to avoid it as well as other players' entering doing the same thing and so fore.

What it sounds like, which I had to do with somebody else' mod of Assault Coop for Far Cry for example, was to take the original maps (.map) before converting to the .bsp format and modified the necessary spawn spots, AI placements, Triggers (for Multiplayer), etc.  Sounds like a lot of work to me.... 

I wish I had made a map for RTCW..  but the only other Quake 3 engine map set I created was one for Soldier of Fortune 2---hey,  any chance of converting that for COOP?  <wink>

Just kidding, I know you guys are still focusing on this mod still and perhaps 'many things on your plate now' to be involved in another task like that.  But down the road, who's know...   

Thanks again.


(14 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I have been keeping an eye on this one for a long time.  Thanks for releasing this one!!  smile 

I'm also aware that the gamepad function still works!!!  I use it for moving around with the mouse to shoot.

To enable it, type 'in_joystick 1' (without quotes) under console---need to restart the game to take effect.

Great work, guys!!!   Another cooperative game to tag along..

I do have a question:  Does this mod makes other single-player maps work (custom maps made by other people)?