(15 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

C'mon, you can just ask somebody to host server in europe.


(3 replies, posted in Bug reports)

{WeB}*GANG$TA* wrote:

I've never seen anything like that before, but we never use the "auto-save" option when playing, we always use the "flag-capture" option.

Yeah, I believe that you can fix it =))


(4 replies, posted in Bug reports)

fretn wrote:

whats the bug ?

and why is your compass so different ?

The "!" that above the Player is somehow hidden under the flag on the wall =/
Compass is translated to russian language for russian multiplayer community


(4 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Hi, please, look at this. As I remember it is the smallest bug I have ever seen in this Mod xd.


(3 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Hello again, so I was playing on server with autosaves (30 sec.) and unfortunately the Game saved me right at the door on map escape1. I was unable to move and the Nazi was killing me all the time.
I knew I could use a teleport command, but anyhow it is a bug and my duty was to report that :))


(4 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Please, add the crosshair to the Third Person view mode, it is really hard to play as rifleman in the team with nightmare gameskill like this


(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Hello there, I have seen the bug when you write something colored with !cpa cmd on server.
As you can see in the screenshot, only the first line was colored, but in console I have written all correct. It is a little bug, but as for me it is really annoying -)