(6 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Ok, would I have to run a dedi server and alter the config as I tried running it on my pc but others could not see it. I have a small server pc set up for minecraft so that's not too difficult to do smile


(6 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Ah right, well my previous question was about possibly getting this to work with hamachi as my router does allow for port forwading but would meqan changing to static ip which would be a pain to change everything on the wifi network. Also I plan on making a let's play with two other people but on a private server/lan. Reason I was thinking hamachi is because that's already set up for other games we have played.


(6 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

I have made a new account as apparently my last got removes as did my post i had on here. no idea why that happened as all i asked was a simple question but there you go.