Topic: Server Crash When the Client Leave
Hello PPL
Well Im setting Up my server
But when the client leave it just crash
There is the Log Hope any1 can help me
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is 1 pub player on 8 available servers. (While there is 1 private server running)
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RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Server Crash When the Client Leave
Hello PPL
Well Im setting Up my server
But when the client leave it just crash
There is the Log Hope any1 can help me
I think you aren't running a dedicated server
Here is all the Info of the server screenshots of main logs Cfg Etc … /
This just happens when every1 leave the server it just shutdown automatically
I hope u can help me
Same error happen if i set the rtcwcoop_ded.exe in the .bat file
you are missing sp_pak3.pk3 and sp_pak4.pk3, but this is not the cause of the crash
can you join the game with a normal name, without colors or special characters ? (just as a test)
btw: do you know |FF|-Im2good4u ?
As u said i already tried without colors and special characters and the servers keep crashing when the clients leave
And nope i dont know that guy Im in a American FF clan not the same clan
the next version will be released soon, this should solve your problem.
as I have no idea whats going wrong on your side
RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Server Crash When the Client Leave