1 (edited by profitgamers 2014-12-07 12:20:34)

Topic: Coop Specific Setup

Hey Mates !

I got some questions for you)

1) Is it possible to get luger back in normal position ? it is placed higher than in original.

Coop :

http://s7.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/i … f5ab75.jpg

Original :

http://s7.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/i … 73c7c3.jpg

2) I noticed that when you press a trigger on venom , there are 2 sounds played at the same time - venomsu1.wav and venomsd1.wav (attached them to post) , how can I get this feature ouside the coop ? Is it a specific double sound or a special string in resources of venom ? Check this out please !

I use RTCW Coop v1.0.1 .

3) How can use Renderer_Coop_OpenGL1_X86.dll with Original ? Is there any command which would allow me to select renderer or may be a specific folder it should be placed in , like "gl" ?

Post's attachments

venom.rar 105.29 kb, 2 downloads since 2014-12-06 

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0V3RDR!VE !!!!

Re: Coop Specific Setup

1. I think that's an issue with loading/using the models from mutiplayer rather than single player only. Not 100% sure though. So I'm going to guess the answer is no.

2. The sound system has been almost entirely replaced so it doesn't sound exactly the same as the original.

3. The original doesn't support loading alternate renderers.
If you just mean the original (non-coop) game you can check out iortcw, which is the what coop is based on:


Re: Coop Specific Setup

Thanks !

1) But the issue is only with luger , when you will have a free time , may you try to investigate that more deeper? There is a chance that solution will be found I think. Somehow correct its position.

2) ok , no question here

3) ok , but what then cl_renderer means ?, it does exist in commands

Checked out ioRTCW v1.42b VERSUS RTCW v1.42c Unnoficial Patch by Knightmare
Yet cannot decide which is better.

4) Is you server running with sv_pure 1 command ? Turn it to the 0 please , I want to play with my own custom weapons and blood pack , just as on the other servers.

0V3RDR!VE !!!!

Re: Coop Specific Setup

1. the luger: this was one on purpose, marvin and me liked it more smile

Re: Coop Specific Setup

The luger change was here:

If you remove lines 2942-2958 in cg_weapons.c it will revert back to original view.

Re: Coop Specific Setup

there is also a CVAR that controls this. I've played around with it before on 1.0.0 release. Things may have changed since then, not sure.

I'll have to dig that CVAR up but I know there is definitely one that exists.

Or just use MAN-AT-ARMS fix smile
