Topic: master.rtcwcoop
the server browser webpage is back again:
the previous one stopped working after some server upgrades, so I've built a new basic page
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 4 available servers. (While there are 5 private servers running)
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the server browser webpage is back again:
the previous one stopped working after some server upgrades, so I've built a new basic page
I can create an internet server but i just want some more commands how i can change the number of votes? how can i ban someone? how can i make me admin while i am playing because the server is deticated if u can help me
man i cant understand the thing with the commands can i put them on the thing that opens when i open the server? and also are the things that i add are being saved or when i start the server again the are deleted? i dont know how to login as an admin i cant understand
you can type them in that 'thing' (the server console), they will be saved in a file called wolfconfig_ded.cfg, next time you start they will be loaded from that file
what is the best programm to edit this? with notepad?
ok look i edited the file with notepad heres how it looks like
seta g_spawnpoints "0"
seta cg_fancyfx "1"
seta a3_pass "vetordos"
seta a3_tag "^0KREATOR"
seta a3_allowALL "1"
seta adm_help "1"
seta g_bannedMessage "You are Banned from this server!"
this are the things that i added 1st of all when i opened the server i start it from create server yes over internet and create
and they were not saved i put them on the thing that opens when i open the server and it worked when i closed the server and reopened they werent saved! is there a thing to close the server with command and save the things? and why the files from wolfconfig_ded.cfg doesnt work?
The filenames should actually be and
(Located in the coopmain folder)
ah shit yes, forgot the coop part in the filename, excuse me
they are not located there i have to rename the wolfconfig_ded.cfg? and i also need the
they are not on the coopmain folder what i have to do?
i renamed the wolfconfig to and copy paste and renamed the other file to but when i started the server nothing has been saved
The RTCWCoop/coopmain folder should be auto-created inside your Documents/My Documents folder. (This is where the saves/configs are saved to..assuming you're using Windows)
aaaaaa ok man
what i type if i want to ban someone? also is there anyway to take away the ban afteri ban him?
Yep, just delete his IP from banned file via notepad or whatever. Only thing you have to make sure is that you only delete that line.