Topic: Russian Controls Menu
One of the Russian lads, over on "Steam", has reported an in-game bug. He's posted a video too.
Here's a link to what he mentioned: … 329192144/
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 9 available servers. (While there is 1 private server running)
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RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Russian Controls Menu
One of the Russian lads, over on "Steam", has reported an in-game bug. He's posted a video too.
Here's a link to what he mentioned: … 329192144/
RtCW Cooperative Mod - Version 1.0.2
MAN-AT-ARMS has released a new version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Cooperative Mod. There are versions available for "Windows", "Linux" and "Mac".
It's time, once again, for you and your "RtCW" buddies to return to Castle Wolfenstein, but this time you're not alone, you can fight against all your deadly enemies side by side. Several custom "RtCW" missions are available now too:
There are download versions available for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. Follow the link for screenshots and download links.
Remember, please, that you need a copy of "Return to Castle Wolfenstein", patched to version 1.41, in order to install and play "RtCW Cooperative Mod".
It seems that this this bug is something that everyone is experiencing, not just that Russian lad. None of us can enter our settings via our "controls" tab.
Also, the "dead body gibbing" problem is back and makes the game even more difficult in "nightmare" mode. This gets the human players killed all the time, having to literally destroy the enemy corpses in front of you before any of your shots are able to hit an approaching enemy.
The A.I. don't seem to have the same problem when firing back at us.
This bug is reproducing even on clean RTCWCoop. So, it's not a translation bug.
Yippie a dev missed to apply a piece of code there somewhere in the UI properties when compiling the big thing.
Looks like I'm trying to poke a dead topic, but I've noticed that this issue was fixed in commit 7D87FE9 made on May 21, 2019. I guess I'll try to compile the mod from sources and look for any other problems.
Also some RTCW COOP servers run 1.0.3 version while the game "client" is still 1.0.2.
RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Russian Controls Menu