Topic: How to create correct material for new Render

Hello. I'm trying create material-shader for Rend2 mode following a little instruction from Github. As a result, they turn out black in game. Can any one provide me how to write them correctly for a normal texture and a texture with transparency (alpha). And also material-shader example for PBR.


        map textures/village_interior/inter_c01_d.jpg
        rgbgen identity
        stage normalparallaxmap
        map textures/village_interior/inter_c01_n.jpg
        normalScale 1 1
        parallaxDepth 0.05
        stage specularmap
        map textures/village_interior/inter_c01_s.jpg
        specularReflectance 0.12
        specularExponent 16
        map $lightmap
        blendfunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO