Topic: Can translate?
I have game on other language, and i thinked what mod will too on this laguage. Translate impossible?
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I have game on other language, and i thinked what mod will too on this laguage. Translate impossible?
Translation is possible, someone just has to do it. I would but I don't speak french, spanish or german sadly etc..
All the languages I know are useless for rtcw. =<
I'm working on the code to make it fully translatable, when this is done it still needs to be translated ofcourse
I can translate the stuff to german. Just give me the text in english.
Maybe from other languages too, using google translation and correct it. ;-)
Google or any other kinda of online translation is useless because grammar is totally wrong with it.
If one actually knows the language then sure, otherwise in my need to, because having stuff on the grammar level of pre-school is even worse then not having it at all.
English files: … 253Dclosed
Hungarian by marvin (for example): … 253Dclosed
I guess would be better if we one day take out the text only from it and dump it in txt file? That would be helpful for anyone that wishes to contribute in shape of translation, but would mean more work for us every time it's translated..
my svn revision on my harddisk automaticly dumps all the used texts, to have all the text we have to complete the game once with a certain cvar enabled
Just give me all sentences, i will return them in german. ;-)
You can change language from regedit. Tell what language you want ?
You can change language from regedit. Tell what language you want ?
Not everything is translated, so it will not really work
If needed, I can help for french translation, don't hesitate to PM me and tell me how to proceed xD
If needed, I doubt it but still, I can always translate it to Dutch for those few Dutch guys playing this awesome game
If needed, I doubt it but still, I can always translate it to Dutch for those few Dutch guys playing this awesome game
Nederland of belgie ?
België natuurlijk! Maar ik neem nu aan dat die Nederlandse vertaling onnodig zal zijn
België natuurlijk! Maar ik neem nu aan dat die Nederlandse vertaling onnodig zal zijn
ik heb er momenteel geen tijd voor, te druk bezig met bugs te fixen
translation: no time to translate it to dutch, too busy fixing bugs
Well, if I can get hold of the English lines, I should find some time to translate them into Dutch
Well, if I can get hold of the English lines, I should find some time to translate them into Dutch
okay, when I have time to finish the translations code, I'll show you how you can get everything translated
ik heb er momenteel geen tijd voor, te druk bezig met bugs te fixen
Heh, funny enough, i can understand this without translation. :-D
Ich habe momentan keine Zeit dafür, ich bin zu beschäftigt mit Bugfixing.
That was german.
fretn wrote:ik heb er momenteel geen tijd voor, te druk bezig met bugs te fixen
Heh, funny enough, i can understand this without translation. :-D
Ich habe momentan keine Zeit dafür, ich bin zu beschäftigt mit Bugfixing.
That was german.
I understand a little bit german, listening is more easy than writing
Some years ago, i sat on a coffeeshop in an airport, next beside of me was a family from the netherlands. Crazy thing was, after a couple of minutes, i understood the first sentences, and after ten minutes, i got an idea of what they are talking about.
Remembered me of the The 13th Warrior, where the arab slowly understood more of what the northmen talking about. :-D
I remember the scene from the movie you're talking about, Cybdmn, the 13th Warrior is one of my all-time fave movies. Ironically, I frag with Masa almost every night on our WolfET server and I still can't understand a damn word the Viking says
Ironically, I frag with Masa almost every night on our WolfET server and I still can't understand a damn word the Viking says
yeah but that's because you are drunk most of the time!!! :D:D
Fretn, kom je uit NL? Wist niet dat er Nederlanders aan dit project werkten
Fretn, kom je uit NL? Wist niet dat er Nederlanders aan dit project werkten
nee belgie
yeah but that's because you are drunk most of the time!!!
And i thought the vikings are always drunken. A Horn full of met every now and then, between the killings. :-D
I've startes to translate all stuff in sp_pak_coop1\text. I made a GermanDE Folder in my local source tree. I use the original textfiles from the (censored) german version of the game. But i roll back all censorships, and correct other stuff, like the military ranks. For example, the SS had not the rank of an "Oberst" (Colonel), instead they were called SS-Standartenführer.
Other corrections regarding to the names of certain people in the game, liek Himmler, who is called Holler in the german version.