Topic: Example server config
Hi there,
can anybody provide me an example server config (including cvars for rconpassword aso.)?
Thanks in advance
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 6 available servers. (While there are 3 private servers running)
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Hi there,
can anybody provide me an example server config (including cvars for rconpassword aso.)?
Thanks in advance
I'll post you a complete one tomorrow.
You need it fully commented or you have experience with rtcw/et configs so I can keep it relaxed?
I`m running several ET server, so no heavy commenting required.
Thanks alot
Kind regards
Hi Master, here is mine:
// Server
seta sv_hostname "^2RTCW ^SCOOP ^1ORIGIN" <--- lol was tired yesterday-night to find such a name xD
seta sv_minrate "8000"
seta sv_maxrate "25000"
seta sv_rconPassword "xxxxx" <-- does not work: error is "no rconpassword for this server" with HLSW, sl, in-game
seta g_freeze "0" // Player is freezed on spawn and mate has to knife him to be able to move..
seta g_gameskill "3" // 0 = test, 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard
seta g_airespawn "0" // Respawn Enemies...
seta g_spawnpoints "0" // 0 = auto saves each 30 seconds, 1 = flags
seta g_maxspawnpoints "2" // 0 = no limit, else a limit of respawn points per game
seta sv_maxcoopclients "8" // Max players
seta sv_maxclients "128" // Counts bots as well
seta g_maxlives "0" // Maximum lives per round
seta g_sharedlives "1" // Divides g_maxlives between all clients - otherwise each gets maxlives..
seta g_friendlyfire "2" // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on but takes attackers hp + score instead of victims, 3 = same as 2 but takes more score
seta g_limbotime "10000" // 30000 = 3 sec for speedrun gametype
seta g_reinforce "2" // 0 = default enemies spawn, 1 = more enemies spawn, 2 = even more enemies spawn
seta a1_pass "low"
seta a2_pass "med"
seta a3_pass "owner"
seta a1_tag "^1Member"
seta a2_tag "^3Admin"
seta a3_tag "^0Admin"
seta a1_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore"
seta a2_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore kick clientkick coop nextmap"
seta a3_cmds "g_allowvote rconpassword" // Server specific only..
seta a3_allowAll "1" // So level 3 can execute any Admin command.
seta adm_help "1" // Let admins know what they can use by allowing !list_cmds
seta g_extendedLog "1" // Log essentials only.
seta g_votesPerUser "2" // 2 votes for user per round are more then enough.
// Kick start the map if it's not set in command line
coopmap escape1
And as 'nate' said in a previous post:
You can find basic settings for game here (CVARS section):
And for administration specific settings here:
V55 Wolfanatic xD
small remark about the g_spawnpoints cvar
g_spawnpoints 0 -> autosave every 30 seconds
g_spawnpoints 1 -> save a spawnpoint manually with the "spawnpoint" command
g_spawnpoints 2 -> multiplayer style flagzone respawn
and about sv_maxclients: don't touch this cvar
use sv_maxcoopclients
This should be the most up to date config.
It's attached but for just in case, here's also a dump if file for any reason expires at any given time..
// Basic coop server settings.. //
// L0 : 09.Dec/12
// General
seta sv_hostname "rtcw COOP"
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_maxrate "25000"
seta sv_maxPing "350" // Anything above 350 is shoting ghosts anyway
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Will be controlled by mod as well
seta dmflags "0" // 8 (no falling damage) 16 (fixed FOV) 32 (no footsteps)
seta sv_zombietime "2"
seta sv_allowDownload "0"
seta sv_fps "20" // leave at 20! 40 will break the flamer ...
seta sv_reconnectlimit "15"
seta sv_timeout "240"
seta sv_maxcoopclients "8"
// Rcon
seta rconpassword ""
// Private / Pub
seta g_needpass ""
seta g_password ""
// Voting
seta g_allowVote "1"
seta g_votesPerUser "2" // 2 votes for user per round are more then enough.
seta g_complaintlimit "3"
// Game stuff that's rearly touched..
seta g_voicechatsallowed "3"
seta g_gametype "1"
seta g_inactivity "120"
seta g_knockback "0" // Never liked it...(FYI - default = 1000)
seta g_doWarmup "1"
seta g_warmup "20"
seta g_antilag "1"
// Log
seta g_log "games.log"
seta g_logsync "2" // Buffered..
// Pass this by params in startup if you want to control resources..
//seta com_hunkMegs "128"
//seta com_zoneMegs "64"
//seta com_soundMegs "32"
// Public info
sets "Hosted by" "^3"
sets "Forum" "^"
sets "Mod" "^3Main"
seta "Admin" "^3Nate|Reflex"
// Mod (game settings)
exec mod.cfg
// Kick start it
coopmap escape1
// COOP game settings
// L0 : 9.Dec/12
// Game handling
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
seta g_spawnpoints "0"
seta g_maxspawnpoints "2"
seta g_airespawn "0"
seta g_teleporttime "30000"
seta g_freeze "0"
seta g_gameskill "2"
seta g_maxlives "10"
seta g_sharedlives "1"
seta g_limbotime "10000"
seta g_reinforce "2"
seta g_shove "1"
seta g_shoveAmount "0.8"
seta g_throwKnives "-1"
// Admins
seta a1_pass "low"
seta a2_pass "med"
seta a3_pass "owner"
seta a1_tag "^1Member"
seta a2_tag "^3Admin"
seta a3_tag "^0Admin"
seta a1_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore"
seta a2_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore kick clientkick coop nextmap"
seta a3_cmds "g_allowvote rconpassword" // Server specific only..
seta a3_allowAll "1" // So level 3 can execute any Admin command.
seta adm_help "1" // Let admins know what they can use by allowing !list_cmds
seta g_extendedLog "1" // Log essentials only (2 = logs all, 0 = disables loging).
// MOTD's (message of the day)
seta g_showMOTD "1"
seta g_motdTime "80" // Takes seconds
seta g_motd1 "" // MESSAGE 1
seta g_motd2 "" // MESSAGE 2
seta g_motd3 "" // MESSAGE 3
seta g_motd4 "" // MESSAGE 4
seta g_motd5 "" // MESSAGE 5
seta g_motd6 "" // MESSAGE 6
Configure it to your liking.
Hope it helps.