Topic: random disconnects
I was wondering if people still get randomly get disconnected during new level loads ?
or is this fixed since latest release ?
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 4 available servers. (While there are 4 private servers running)
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I was wondering if people still get randomly get disconnected during new level loads ?
or is this fixed since latest release ?
I have that problem after many maps and error text is diffrent almost every time. Usually when get disconnect only one player stay server all others are kicked.
okay that means that this crappy bug is still not fixed
Yeah, we all get this bug, Fretn, but it's no big deal when we're fraggin', we just reconnect.
Yeah, we all get this bug, Fretn, but it's no big deal when we're fraggin', we just reconnect.
Well I hoped this was fixed in 0.9.3 As I ported the rtcw mp client server code to rtcwcoop, but this means this is not the reason of the troubles
...............but this means this is not the reason of the troubles
Well at least that's one reason for this happening scored off the list, bro . This problem and the problem with certain areas of a few maps being inaccessible to us, preventing us from completing these maps, seem to be the main things to focus on. What I've noticed, while fraggin' on these particular maps, is that our way is blocked either because the Axis AI fail to do what they would normally do in the RTCW single-player, i.e., open certain doors, or when we have completed certain objectives, which would normally result in previously locked doors being opened, the doors remain locked.
If you fix these problems, Fretn, then the fraggin' experience in RTCW COOP will be practically problem-free. The excellent solution you came up with for the "Escape 2" map, making the castle gates dynamitable, really helped here. I'm looking forward to this feature being available in RTCWCOOP 0.9.4 .
fretn wrote:...............but this means this is not the reason of the troubles
Well at least that's one reason for this happening scored off the list, bro
. This problem and the problem with certain areas of a few maps being inaccessible to us, preventing us from completing these maps, seem to be the main things to focus on. What I've noticed, while fraggin' on these particular maps, is that our way is blocked either because the Axis AI fail to do what they would normally do in the RTCW single-player, i.e., open certain doors, or when we have completed certain objectives, which would normally result in previously locked doors being opened, the doors remain locked.
If you fix these problems, Fretn, then the fraggin' experience in RTCW COOP will be practically problem-free. The excellent solution you came up with for the "Escape 2" map, making the castle gates dynamitable, really helped here. I'm looking forward to this feature being available in RTCWCOOP 0.9.4
yes we know about the maps having problems, they are fixable with things like I did with escape2, its just a complex and time haunting task, so maybe we should make a list of the maps which should receive priority and which maps are just not suited for coop play (tram for example)
but I really want to get rid of this disconnect bug, its the only one I still not understand why it happens, for all other bugs I know why I just didn't have the time yet to fix them all
okay I lied, the score reset bug and the one where people crash if they get killed are two others I don't understand (aka can't reproduce them) maybe we should make a list of the maps which should receive priority and which maps are just not suited for coop play (tram for example)
I posted the screenies of the maps mostly affected by bugs which prevent further progress in the map itself, but after reading the post from Sage about our server settings I'd now really like to test this idea and get back to you with the info, Fretn. DOG did not appear at all yesterday, very unlike him, so we still haven't tried this out yet. When he shows up I'll tell him the plan, change our server settings, then we'll go through all the maps and see what happens bug-wise.
As for the "Tram" map I can't agree that it's not suited to RTCW COOP play, bro. The map is bug-free and the main problem when fraggin' on this map are some of the players who seem incapable of understanding what the word, "co-operation" actually means . Once the Allied squad take control of the first section they must defend it against the respawning Axis AI while 2 of the squad board the tram and set off to attack the mid-section tram tower and capture the next spawn flag.
I've lost count of the times that I've seen about 5 idiots all trying to squeeze onto the tram at once, with 2 of them usually getting crushed in the process . Once the two-man team capture the tram tower the rest of the squad /kill to respawn there. The two-man team board the tram again in order to capture the next spawn flag, situated to the left of the tram station, the difference this time is that only one player is actually inside the tram, the other has climbed the tram tower ladder and jumped onto the roof of the tram at the rear, where he is well protected from Axis gunfire, once at the destination he has an easy task of jumping down from the tram and capturing the spawn flag. The respawning members of the squad use their rifles to provide covering fire, thus preventing the defending Axis troops from concentrating their entire gunfire fire on the approaching tram itself.
Once the tram station spawn flag is captured the remaining squad at the tram tower /kill again and after respawning it's simply a "balls-out" frag against the Axis troops until you finally meet up with Kessler in the radio room. Simple tactics, simple co-operation, but to some players it might as well be rocket science, they never seem to get it .