Re: Bug & Feature List
Olaric often takes his focus on zemph and helga , and he does not destroy the gates
Also , he often prefers to stay near his masoleum and kick unknown invisible enemy )))
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 5 available servers. (While there are 3 private servers running)
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RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Bug & Feature List
Olaric often takes his focus on zemph and helga , and he does not destroy the gates
Also , he often prefers to stay near his masoleum and kick unknown invisible enemy )))
Olaric often takes his focus on zemph and helga , and he does not destroy the gates
Also , he often prefers to stay near his masoleum and kick unknown invisible enemy
This is a recent event that we've seen happening a few times now. When we first played that map, a couple of weeks ago, it ran the way it should.
When we tried to vote for g_reinfoce the server crashed all the time. Both from callvote and from menu. However when joined spectators it worked. Did not try other votes.
On voicechat the global menu is broken. Returns to itself, so cannot say v5x.
When we tried to vote for g_reinfoce the server crashed all the time. Both from callvote and from menu. However when joined spectators it worked. Did not try other votes.
On voicechat the global menu is broken. Returns to itself, so cannot say v5x.
I'll try to reproduce (and fix) the reinforce vote
about the voicechat bug I know, its new, what keyboard layout do you have ? I think it works on US keyboards (I'm on a belgian layout)
I use Finnish layout. I changed to US layout and it is still there. I also changed from numeric voicechat mode to alpha and I still get it.
Well this week gangsta and i have played through entire cycle and here are our findings of bugs on our server!
Escape: as far as we can tell is bug free
Castle Wolfenstein: tram door bug
Tram ride: sometimes the car goes the wrong way... and sometimes fog disappears! no biggy!
Village: karl villigut does not open door so sten guns are available!
Catacombs: a couple here obviously there is the undefeatable axis zombie.... guess we just have to put up with him but once you fall down after the walkway collapses ... after you kill all the zombies the dooor does not open..
Crypt: once someone has gone past the portcullis unless they capture flag noone else can get in!
Defiled church: no problems!
Forest compound: sometimes the truck wont move... otherwise fine!
Rocket base: lifts are a nightmare.. first couple of times we played could complete but now when you reach the train bay end the lift to the rocket stays at top... incompletable!
Radar installation: sometimes hangs at start ... but main problem is after radar is blown door out wont open!
Airbase assault: funny one here the black guard parachuted in and teh parachutes stayed in air and they dropped to thier death! no real problems
Kuglestadt; other than difficulty no real problems!
The bombed factory: no real problems
Trainyard: sometimes the map hangs and you have to restart server!
Secret Weapons Facility: no problems!
Ice Station Norway: no problems!
X-Labs: guards missing at start doors wont open incompletable!
Super Soldier Chamber: again doors wont open!!
Bramburg Dam: no issues found
Paderborn Village: no problems!!
Chateau Schufstaffel: fine up till you get to the staircase spawn. doors wont open at top of stairs!
Unhallowed ground: no issues
The dig: no issues found.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: main door after first spawn does not open.
In the final map Heinrich fails to appear.... and we believe it may be something to do with in single player mode once you leave the crypt the walls collapse so you cant get back there .... now obviously in multiplayer the wall cannot collapse because your respawn there... but we tried it several times and not once did he appear!
I think they are all the issues we encountered. Its been so much fun playing them all hope the majority can be fixed... also one little aside we managed to set up admin passwords and they work fine and tried some of the commands and they seem ok too the one thing we could not do was load a alternate map on our server we have for instance mp_marketgarden and i tried the !map marketgarden but got the error message failed to find marketgarden.bsp and it did that with every map we tried to load... sorry for the noobery i am sure i am just doing something wrong but if anyone can help would be grateful!!!!
I can assume it was on 0.9.3 ?
Well this week gangsta and i have played through entire cycle and here are our findings of bugs on our server!
Escape: as far as we can tell is bug free
Castle Wolfenstein: tram door bug
are you talking about the door that leads you to the bridge ?
Tram ride: sometimes the car goes the wrong way... and sometimes fog disappears! no biggy!
yes the car can go the wrong way, it was at the time the only good solution marvin found to make the tram go to the top again so lost players could join. Or do you mean it never goes down ?
fog: dammit, I thought this was fixed
Village: karl villigut does not open door so sten guns are available!
Catacombs: a couple here obviously there is the undefeatable axis zombie.... guess we just have to put up with him but once you fall down after the walkway collapses ... after you kill all the zombies the dooor does not open..
Crypt: once someone has gone past the portcullis unless they capture flag noone else can get in!
reminds me of the teleport function i've built, this should help you working around this stupid bugs
needs real fixing ofcourse
Defiled church: no problems!
Forest compound: sometimes the truck wont move... otherwise fine!
Rocket base: lifts are a nightmare.. first couple of times we played could complete but now when you reach the train bay end the lift to the rocket stays at top... incompletable!
Radar installation: sometimes hangs at start ... but main problem is after radar is blown door out wont open!
Airbase assault: funny one here the black guard parachuted in and teh parachutes stayed in air and they dropped to thier death! no real problems
lol !
Kuglestadt; other than difficulty no real problems!
The bombed factory: no real problems
Trainyard: sometimes the map hangs and you have to restart server!
Secret Weapons Facility: no problems!
Ice Station Norway: no problems!
X-Labs: guards missing at start doors wont open incompletable!
Super Soldier Chamber: again doors wont open!!
Bramburg Dam: no issues found
Paderborn Village: no problems!!
Chateau Schufstaffel: fine up till you get to the staircase spawn. doors wont open at top of stairs!
Unhallowed ground: no issues
The dig: no issues found.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: main door after first spawn does not open.
In the final map Heinrich fails to appear.... and we believe it may be something to do with in single player mode once you leave the crypt the walls collapse so you cant get back there .... now obviously in multiplayer the wall cannot collapse because your respawn there... but we tried it several times and not once did he appear!
I think they are all the issues we encountered. Its been so much fun playing them all hope the majority can be fixed... also one little aside we managed to set up admin passwords and they work fine and tried some of the commands and they seem ok too the one thing we could not do was load a alternate map on our server we have for instance mp_marketgarden and i tried the !map marketgarden but got the error message failed to find marketgarden.bsp and it did that with every map we tried to load... sorry for the noobery i am sure i am just doing something wrong but if anyone can help would be grateful!!!!
its not compatible with multiplayer maps, you need to compile AAS files first for that map and then make all the aiscripts and regular mapscripts
thanks for the huge feedback !
Here's a screenie of the Black Guard parachute mayhem :
And here's Mr Unkillable Zombie :
If you don't shoot him he behaves himself, for a while, then you can slip past him .
pls , edit it to make it visible
Here's a few screenies of ingame bugs that we've found, Fretn, you'll probably know most of them by now:
This is just after you eliminate the Panzer Grenadier unit and are heading off to save the scientist who's with the extraction team, but that gate won't open, blocking our only route to rescue him.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein:
The very start of the map, we kill the first zombies and then 2 zombie knights should kick that door down and attack us, but they fail to appear.
Chateau Shufstaffel:
All enemies on the ground floor have been eliminated and the spawn flag captured, that door should now open giving us access to assassinate the General and escape, but it doesn't open for us.
Super Soldier:
At this stage we've killed the Uber Soldat Prototypes and their back up, a scientist should now open that door giving us access to fight the main Uber Soldats and Wilhelm Strasse, the scientist fails to appear.
Radar Installation:
This is near the end of the map, we've dynamited the radar and all we have to do now is escape. Two Axis soldiers should now attack us via the door on the right, but they never appear.
Same door, same map, different view:
Rocket Base:
We've fought our way through the tunnels and reached the elevator that takes us to the upper level in order to sabotage the V2 Rocket launch. Two Axis infantry should come down on the elevator to investigate the chaos taking place below them, they never appear and we cannot manually operate the elevator ourselves and so our access is blocked.
Crypt part 2:
We've just captured a new spawn flag and enter that dungeon where about 6 zombies come up from the floor. We kill them and the door should now open to reveal 2 German infantry fighting 2 of the zombie knights, again the door won't open.
Secret Weapons Facility:
Our first encounter with the Lopers, we kill them all and that door should now unlock where we can gain access to the office to kill the Axis guard and lower the bridge so that we can then attack Wilhelm Strasse's submarine, the door does not unlock and the guard never leaves the office so we have to trickjump in order to get the next spawn flag at the submarine.
Crypt or Crypt 2 map? (not sure)
Spawn flag capture area under the floor that collapses when we try to run over it. We kill all the zombies and zombie knights which should open that door for us, but no joy.
There's a couple of other minor bugs, for instance, when one player in the squad picks up a chair we all appear to have one until he decides to drop it and if one player chooses to read any documentation lying on a table then we all read it unless we press our Esc key . I hope this info helps you out, Fretn, you're doing a great job and we're all looking forward to the RTCW COOP 0.9.4 release
I messaged Fretn about this. But, do you have g_inactivity set to other than 0? For me that caused massive errors on loading AI script in my map. So maybe you can check and set it to 0 and test if my theory is true? Maybe it could be causing many of these mystical AI problems.
I messaged Fretn about this. But, do you have g_inactivity set to other than 0? For me that caused massive errors on loading AI script in my map. So maybe you can check and set it to 0 and test if my theory is true? Maybe it could be causing many of these mystical AI problems.
I tell DOG, one of our server Admins, about this and test out your theory, Sage. Thanks for the info, I'll post in this thread what we find out .
Well we tried your idea, Sage, unfortunately it never changed anything. One interesting thing that DOG noticed was that in our server config we never had this section:
// Game stuff that's rearly touched..
seta g_voicechatsallowed "3"
seta g_gametype "1"
seta g_inactivity "120"
seta g_knockback "0" // Never liked it...(FYI - default = 1000)
seta g_doWarmup "1"
seta g_warmup "20"
seta g_antilag "1"
So he copy/pasted it into our config, set the inactivity to 0 and then we tested it. Thanks anyway, Sage, it was worth a try.
Oh well thanks anyway. It is 0 by default so it would not matter. I thought you copied the Nate's cfg perfectly. I tested this for 5 hours or so on my map. So I can tell for sure it made a whole difference as it totally broke the map (AI stop spawning/get removed). Without that line the map works perfectly in my server, I've tested it hundreds of times. Well as perfectly as it would in RTCW SP atleast.
I have not witnessed a single wierd script error in my map, except for during those 5 hours and that only with that line. I use lots of markers and have 2 doors opened by AI and 1 by script and multiple other things that bugs or have been removed from original maps. So I suspects it might be a cvar or something to cause these.
Btw just incase some mapper read this. I alertentity the door unlocking relay from player scriptblock and execute the trigger to tell the AI go throught the door AFTER that. So the door should get unlocked even if the AI's fail to spawn as it is triggered from player's triggers. The door unlocks basicly a frame before the AI actually even spawns, but you would not know this. I could finish the map perfectly, but just have nothing to shoot at when I had that cvar set. This would not apply to doors that needs all AI's dead before opening the door, they need to be changed. Only if you have a trigger brush or regular script event to activate the door. Like AI running out of door.
so like
trigger open_door //Have this activated by something like a trigger brush
alertentity door_unlocking_relay //unlocks the door
trigger nazi_69 gogogo //nazi goes out of that door
I see no reason why g_inactivity would alter anything since it's by nature a MP tied cvar that's tied to MP event (kicks player after being inactive for X sec ( set in this cvar )), tho fretn at some point may re-used it to something COOP specific or default SP re-uses it in a different way. I can't atm fire up my dev since i'm, well lazy But i'm sure fretn can drop a line about, if there's anything new tied to this particular cvar or I'll check later on when I'm less lazy.
Tho as a side note, if I recall right I used it without any problems on our hosting when coop was on.
I never touched this cvar, didnt even know it existed in coop
1) When someone picks up a chair , I see this chair in my hand
2) When someone reads document , I see this document in my screen
3) When I press any number of voice message , my weapon changes to that number
(Pressed 1 for lets go , weapon changed to knife)
3) will be fixed in next release
Hi Fretn. Can you please let us know, how many days or weeks necessary until we see a new release? Can you give us an information for how the scripting going? Everything is in order? I know it is hard and complex sometimes but love of Rtcw Coop forces us to ask always same questions to you. You are trying to do a wonderful thing. Thanks for all!
I have fixed 21 maps scripts. 3 left. Should not be far away. ;-)
I have fixed 21 maps scripts. 3 left. Should not be far away. ;-)
Woooohaaaaaa! You are my man Sage! We are waiting and thanks for all!
RTCW Coop v. 1.0.1
When I've played a game with 4 players and pressed [TAB] button the nicknames of all players were same.
RTCW COOP → Bug reports → Bug & Feature List