Topic: Awesome work!


I personally would like to say what a great job you have done on all of this! I downloaded RTCW COOP yesterday, and I enjoyed playing so much. After playing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory for so long, I would liked to have come back to RTCW after many years, and this is great! I used to play RTCW MP and SP non-stop, but I moved to Enemy Territory to see how that was like, I met many new people, and I made my own Gaming Community over a year ago, which now has a Minecraft Server as well as a few Enemy Territory Servers, I'm thinking about adding a server for this but right now, I don't know how.
I had so much fun yesterday, and the players I was online with, i'm sure, enjoyed it too! I'm seeing much success for RTCW COOP in the future. big_smile

Best regards,

Re: Awesome work!


Glad you like it, there's still much to be done but it's slowly getting there. smile

What problem do you have with setting a dedicated server?

Re: Awesome work!

nate wrote:


Glad you like it, there's still much to be done but it's slowly getting there. smile

What problem do you have with setting a dedicated server?

Well, the simple problem of not knowing how to, and having never tried yet, not even with an original RTCW gameserver. tongue

Re: Awesome work!

on what operating system are you ?

Re: Awesome work!

fretn wrote:

on what operating system are you ?

I use Windows 7. The server I host my gameservers on is Linux CentOS 5
For now I wish to host one on my Computer.

6 (edited by nate 2012-10-09 17:25:45)

Re: Awesome work!

Basic way to run it in your case, just create a batch file (bat) and add this in:

rtcwcoop_ded.exe +set dedicated 2 +coopmap escape1 +exec server.cfg

Create server.cfg inside your coop\main folder, dump in settings you want to use (Look at bottom of this post for reference) and simply run your bat file and server will be streaming to internet with settings you set.
Linux is not hard to set either, you just need a little different approach - naturally, it really depends how you run your CLI using screen or some function, or have an actual game panel so you need to tweak it to work with it etc..

Basic server.cfg example:

// Server
seta sv_hostname "COOP server"
seta sv_minrate "8000"
seta sv_maxrate "25000"
seta sv_rconPassword ""

seta g_freeze "0" // Player is freezed on spawn and mate has to knife him to be able to move..
seta g_gameskill "2" // 0 = test, 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard
seta g_airespawn "0" // Respawn Enemies...
seta g_spawnpoints "0" // 0 = auto saves each 30 seconds, 1 = flags
seta g_maxspawnpoints "2" // 0 = no limit, else a limit of respawn points per game
seta sv_maxcoopclients "8" // Max players
seta sv_maxclients "128"  // Counts bots as well
seta g_maxlives "2" // Maximum lives per round
seta g_sharedlives "1" // Divides g_maxlives between all clients - otherwise each gets maxlives..
seta g_friendlyfire "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on but takes attackers hp + score instead of victims, 3 = same as 2 but takes more score
seta g_limbotime "30000" // 30000 = 3 sec for speedrun gametype
seta g_reinforce "2" // 0 = default enemies spawn, 1 = more enemies spawn, 2 = even more enemies spawn

seta a1_pass "low"
seta a2_pass "med"
seta a3_pass "owner"
seta a1_tag "^1Member"
seta a2_tag "^3Admin"
seta a3_tag "^0Admin"
seta a1_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore"
seta a2_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore kick clientkick coop nextmap"
seta a3_cmds "g_allowvote rconpassword" // Server specific only..
seta a3_allowAll "1" // So level 3 can execute any Admin command.
seta adm_help "1" // Let admins know what they can use by allowing !list_cmds
seta g_extendedLog "1" // Log essentials only.
seta g_votesPerUser "2" // 2 votes for user per round are more then enough.

// Kick start the map if it's not set in command line
//coopmap village2

Naturally there's more cvars you can set, but those are general ones.

You can find basic settings for game here (CVARS section):

And for administration specific settings here:

Should be quite self explaining. smile

Re: Awesome work!

Thanks! I've setup the server. It's much like setting up a Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory server accept you don't need any server-side mods (so it's easier).
I have played though all the maps (not alone though of course), I have uncovered many bugs, I will make a new thread in the bugs forum, I will also include some feature suggestions I made up, i'm sure they would be great additions to RTCW CO-OP.

Again, Great work on this!

Re: Awesome work!

Glad you sort it out.

For the future reference since you mention it. For mods if there are any at any's pretty much the same with difference you also add +set fs_game YourMod into startup line and dump in YourMod folder bin.pk3 of your mod, config (e.g. server.cfg) and you're ready to go.. smile

Re: Awesome work!

I have been keeping an eye on this one for a long time.  Thanks for releasing this one!!  smile 

I'm also aware that the gamepad function still works!!!  I use it for moving around with the mouse to shoot.

To enable it, type 'in_joystick 1' (without quotes) under console---need to restart the game to take effect.

Great work, guys!!!   Another cooperative game to tag along..

I do have a question:  Does this mod makes other single-player maps work (custom maps made by other people)?

Re: Awesome work!

Deadmeat1971 wrote:

I have been keeping an eye on this one for a long time.  Thanks for releasing this one!!  smile 

I'm also aware that the gamepad function still works!!!  I use it for moving around with the mouse to shoot.

To enable it, type 'in_joystick 1' (without quotes) under console---need to restart the game to take effect.

Great work, guys!!!   Another cooperative game to tag along..

I do have a question:  Does this mod makes other single-player maps work (custom maps made by other people)?

Custom single player maps need some small changes. First of all the .ai and .script files need to be renamed and modified if needed (so they are compatible with multiple players). Also you must make sure these custom maps don't contain custom playermodels for the (human) players, or it will crash with missing animations. And they also need a mapname.ents file so at least coop spawnpoints can be added.

Re: Awesome work!

A Co-Op Conversion of the Time Gate single player campaign would be amazing! This is my favourite single player add-on, played it so many times. It quite popular too, for those of you who know it. If I remember, there is no special models added, I might be wrong though, but I doubt it.

12 (edited by nate 2012-10-16 03:04:32)

Re: Awesome work!

After checking the Time Gate pack I think it could be done. Some work would need to be done naturally but by first glimpse it looks doable.

But atm that's not really something I would go and do with all the other stuff laying around that has to be done, but later on who knows, as expanding "COOP universe" is actually something that can only benefit to the project.

From technical point of view, HTTP downloads would need to be ported (It's on todo list but not prioritized atm) since downloading something like this, that's 77mb is unthinkable.

But if anyone wants to do it, I guess anyone of us can help a little and point him/her in right direction when need long as it doesn't fall on us at the end, to actually do everything..

Re: Awesome work!

I'm sure there are many other sp maps that could be done.  However, I thought it would be much easier to load just the map as is and play from there---something you could do with Quake 2 I have noticed.  Although, there would be one spawn spot for player to enter (which could cause a fragging effect when other players join-in as well).  Usually, the first player would move right away from the spot to avoid it as well as other players' entering doing the same thing and so fore.

What it sounds like, which I had to do with somebody else' mod of Assault Coop for Far Cry for example, was to take the original maps (.map) before converting to the .bsp format and modified the necessary spawn spots, AI placements, Triggers (for Multiplayer), etc.  Sounds like a lot of work to me.... 

I wish I had made a map for RTCW..  but the only other Quake 3 engine map set I created was one for Soldier of Fortune 2---hey,  any chance of converting that for COOP?  <wink>

Just kidding, I know you guys are still focusing on this mod still and perhaps 'many things on your plate now' to be involved in another task like that.  But down the road, who's know...   

Thanks again.

Re: Awesome work!

There's no converting need it in this case. Only script has to be modified to mp (few lines I think) and ents has to be done so bots know what to do. I may be wrong but I think that's about it...tho while it's not much, writing and testing map can be a challenging you can see in various bug reports for different maps.

If you're really interesting or want to give it a try - or anyone else for that matter, I suggest you start with something smaller and not a whole campaign set like Time Gate. I'm sure there are 1 map only editions out there.. smile

Re: Awesome work!

Keep in mind that we are coders, not mappers smile