(21 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Use /cl_renderer opengl1

Looks like you have some kind of driver issue going on there...what driver are you using?

You also have the pak from knightmare's mod, which isn't going to work.

Use the correct sp_pak4.pk3 that is included in the release zip file.


(21 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Try r_mode -2


(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Thanks...should be fixed for next release.

Disable the autostart cvar until then.

In the mean time you can use the /irc_connect command while connected to a server.


(28 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

He's saying you would have to rebuild the whole program from the source code...with the lines he pointed you to in ai_cast.c  removed.

It's not something you can change from one of the game assets. (i.e. changing a pk3 etc)

This is how you build the program:

https://github.com/fretn/rtcwcoop/blob/ … -Build.txt


(28 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

If you're using Windows, it would be inside the Documents/My Documents but that shouldn't matter for what you're doing.
Make sure you're not using 'Pure Server' if those files are not inside a pk3 file.


(16 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The RTCWCoop/coopmain folder should be auto-created inside your Documents/My Documents folder. (This is where the saves/configs are saved to..assuming you're using Windows)


(16 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The filenames should actually be wolfconfig_ded.coop.cfg and wolfconfig.coop.cfg

(Located in the coopmain folder)


(115 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

If you want a dedicated and you're behind a router you need to set +set_ip to your local ip, not the global one.
You will need to port forward 27960 to the local ip you're hosting the server on.


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

You can't use that mod with coop because it uses a non-coop cgame.


(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)



(11 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Looks cool


(1 replies, posted in Bug reports)

I think the problem pk3 file is actually sp_pak1.pk3, not sp_pak2.pk3
(I think the error message is off by 1)

The md5 sum for sp_pak1.pk3 is a0d3fe956f85f40c8efd6babe0d09832

The md5 sum for sp_pak1.pk3 in the French version is f19c389fe6310c24e664bc0fc84fdd95

If you're using different versions, you can change the Pure Server option to No and it should work.

which version are you running?


(5 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The luger change was here:

If you remove lines 2942-2958 in cg_weapons.c it will revert back to original view.


(5 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

1. I think that's an issue with loading/using the models from mutiplayer rather than single player only. Not 100% sure though. So I'm going to guess the answer is no.

2. The sound system has been almost entirely replaced so it doesn't sound exactly the same as the original.

3. The original doesn't support loading alternate renderers.
If you just mean the original (non-coop) game you can check out iortcw, which is the what coop is based on:



(8 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Here is the first update release to the 1.0 series.
This release fixes several issues in last release and adds some sound and renderer updates.

Until fretn updates the website, you can download binary packages from here:

Have fun!


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

OK..not sure how this issue slipped through before now but it's fixed for the next release.

In the mean time you can can run with sv_pure 0 and it should work.


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

OK I was able to reproduce the crash...I'll see if I can come up with a fix.

Seems to be only when running a local server in Pure mode.

See if the crash goes away when using sv_pure 0


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Sage are you having the same problem he has?

Gryphon...Try creating a new Administrator account as a test and log in with that and see if you have the same issue.


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

I would try deleting the RTCWCoop folder in Documents/MyDocuments then and let it be recreated.


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Seems like a permissions issue of some kind.
Try running the game as an Administrator. (Right-click icon and choose 'Run As Administrator')


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

r_mode -2 shouldn't be default... the system menu already has option for "Automatic" which sets it to -2

Those names like Internet1 are hardcoded. If anything we can maybe drop the "1" on the first one and it will match vanilla. Any subsequent ones can keep the number.


(13 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Internet1... New engine supports using/querying up to 5 seperate master servers. Internet1 would be the first (default is master.rtcwcoop.com) which is the only one available right now.

Users can use r_mode -2 for native/desktop/"automatic" resolution (including "laptop" ones)


(7 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

The default resolution in coop is 800x600 windowed

The default com_hunkmegs is 512 because of the number of assets needed (the memory system in single player/coop is not split into seperate pools like it is in q3/RTCW multiplayer)


(4 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Not all are covered here...but this is a good chunk of them:

