Umm. Yes we are both right, but we argued about different things. Obviously you can decompile maps. But the decompiled map will not be same as the original map source. And it will never turn into a fully finctional BSP anymore. You can use it for learning or placing purposes. But you will still need to add them manually to .ents file. But never ever to edit existing brushwork without very complex tools.
Problem is that things from map file are lost in conversion. I wont go back 10 years of conversations with ydnar.
You will not be able to compile a functional BSP from a decompiled map file with the tools we have. Unless it is a box map or you spend 3 Months remaking it. Atleast with q3map2. Chances are you might be able run it somehow, but the map will not function very well. And probably will not create aas file anymore.
Obviously it is binary and editable with hex. I have not came up with anyone cabaple of providing tools for us. Have you? Talking about adding a new house or terrain. Not plain game entity. Bani has done something similar but it will not work without hacking Bspc tool too.
Everything is possible. But without years of dedication and professional coding group, forget it.
Am talking about decompiling bsp and then turning it back to bsp. I have decompiled maps for finding origins. But in many cases using dump tool in coop mod is faster unless you make many many things. All items, ammo, ai etc will find their location easily.
Also if you are ready to compromise quality and performance it is a lot easier to get the recompiled bsp to function. But it will be a shadow of the glory. I do not accept compromises for myself. I insist everything to be as it was supposed to be. Nevertheless this will require a lot of experience and work.