Topic: error
im try join to Rtcw coopserver and is say this how remove this Error ?
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Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 5 available servers. (While there are 4 private servers running)
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RTCW COOP → Bug reports → error
im try join to Rtcw coopserver and is say this how remove this Error ?
At the beginning of the map player without weapons and departure after the completion of the mission, the next card can not begin (Midu RTCW COOP)
At the beginning of the map player without weapons and departure after the completion of the mission, the next card can not begin (Midu RTCW COOP)
new Midu RTCW COOP website
cone visit and register and have fan
im try join to Rtcw coopserver and is say this how remove this Error ?
name address map mod gametype players
{WeB}*Venom Nightmare* escape1 coopmain coop 0/8
Praxis Dr. Hasenbein end coopmain coop 1/4
Playername Score Ping
Springfield 0 999
ECGN 24/7 Co-Op chateau coopmain coop 0/8
Midu RTCW COOP sp_brabant_village coopmain coop 1/8
Playername Score Ping
Springfield 0 999
Hi. Thank you. Now write on the new website about the server Midu RTCW COOP
Hi. Thank you. Now write on the new website about the server Midu RTCW COOP
and im give to you yt sub
RTCW COOP → Bug reports → error