Topic: Update coming
I'll probably be putting out a release in the coming days to get the engine up to date.
There is a bunch of new stuff since 1.0.1 and addresses some security issues.
More to come.
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 5 available servers. (While there are 3 private servers running)
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I'll probably be putting out a release in the coming days to get the engine up to date.
There is a bunch of new stuff since 1.0.1 and addresses some security issues.
More to come.
Sounds great, I'm looking forward to the new release .
I'm looking for help testing before putting this out.
I don't want to wait too long to get this out but I don't want it out with new bugs either.
Let me know what platform you're using and I'll package it up if needed.
windows 10 Home
im have Steam Rtcw
Midu RTCW COOP - Server Admin
Steam : kIllerSlovakiaselc888
Windows 7 - 64 bit, is what I use, MAN-AT-ARMS.
Sorry for the delay. Wanted to get some more fixes in there before putting the test version out.
Download here: …
Make sure you run with Pure server turned off in the menu and also delete any dll files you might have the in My Documents/RTCWCoop/coopmain folder.
I am going to update the ECGN server and run it unpure if you want to test on a live server.
Changes (for your reading enjoyment):
This syncs up with all the fixes from iortcw (up to current 1.51b branch) like the widescreen fixed aspect stuff, more resolutions, etc.
This would coincide with releases 1.42b, 1.42d, 1.5a, 1.51. Really too many changes and fixes to list here but overview of each below.
1.42b … mp;t=26451
1.42d … mp;t=26522
1.5a … mp;t=26627
1.51 … mp;t=26686
Also added vote flags to limit types of votes available on server, etc.
Saint you are. To see fretn gave up it's a big crime, that I understand. Working on a project that constitutes evolution in RTCW programming, for a single person/leader is popping my cherry lol (no better metaphor)
edit; will perform complete playthrough with nothing but the campaign and i'll come back with detailed report of my findings.
Great. Thanks.
I did play through most of it but I tend to get sidetracked looking into issues, etc.
Also played 6 or 7 maps yesterday with 5 or so people on the server.
Alright, after thorough examination, I conclude this; very brief bugs directly related to lighting reflections, most at first couple levels. Remind you I spent about 45 mins in each level observing sh*t and reaching all secret areas and treasure rooms. I am halfway through now - at point x-labs, plans to complete the campaign in next days also with a friend. No cheats - pure SWAT tactics and stealth expertise in between the nazeeesh!!
First up, common bugs I can think of:
* sometimes music hangs and does not continue again if not force map restart a la forever loop
* panzer has rapid fire, making it venom-like effective
Ch. order:
Escape 1, Part I:
Start of the mission at the cells, lighting effect from torches displays correctly. Then upwards, at the stairs that lead the doctor torture room, reflection stops despite the torch animation going. Candles does not reflect too, thought fireplaces do. Except that, everything seems to work per usual; animations, sounds, models and textures are on place.
How it should be:
How it should not be:
Long stairs after you kill the doctor and the three nazis where you head up in the castle courtyard.
Its broken...
Escape 1, part II, Castle Keep:
everything fine, except missing torch illumination here and there; one nazi missing near the door that should be blown, I killed one that patrols near the boxes (flag spawn), could swear were three in the area - one in question, and two more - on the left side of boxes and ahead, near the long stairs, if exclude the sniper.
Torches again, its about damn torches currently grrr.
...went Butt-err smooth :*]
same as previous mission, Tram.
NOTICE: As this is major grafix update, I took my time to go with the settings for resolution and quality. Tried every resolution from 640x480 up till 2048@1080 that my monitor supports. All well, with a mild remark; once changed, resolution wont save on click Apply Video, it does store in the config (named on manual /vid_restart. I think this has been major issue from the start, for both PCs and my notebook. Missing set button action. Maybe?
I saw some weird blocked path, in one of the buildings with the secret cellar stairs. There is ammo for MP40 on the ground between wine barrels; because column you cant reach the ammo and pick it up, too tight hah
the stairs
no issues that I noticed, beside... TORCHESS
those bullet-sponge wh*res paid their price!
Church Beast:
all good, beaten to death
Forest Compound:
best outdoors mission ever, no single issue i've discover
Rocket Base:
Launch Aborted...
Unrelated to 1.02 bugs and maybe should have put it in common bugs: if you keep shooting at a dead enemies' bodies', you still gather points like you are killing them over and over again in an endless way. Happens randomly.
Air Base:
Aside enemies inside hangar would not hear I am spraying panzer projectiles outside (i made the mission both ways, stealth and vice versa), that would be the easy difficulty setting, I'd say NO issues at damn all.
Sec. Weps Factory:
Cleared with success.
Secret Weps Factory, Going In:
Cleared with success.
Secret Weps Factory, Into the Chamber:
No issues spotted regarding graphics.
No issues spotted regarding graphics.
X-Labs, Part I:
Went good.
X-Labs, Part II - Super Soldiers:
No issues, except stats window at the end flickering at screen fade out to black. Dunno if happened before?...
No issues
Paderborn Village, Part II:
Went by the book.
Dark (I call this level) - Unhallowed Ground:
All flawless, without any crashes or something critical. Love the fog in this one!
Freeeeks... I still got shivers..
no issues that i am aware of
As similar with last missions, went so perfect.
Actual footage from my body cam, kind sir Kessler having mouth seizure XD
Sorry for the poor quality video and watermark, don't usually record videos anyway, I decided to use Dxtory for capture I am familiar to.
-- updated with videos, Imma go play with a friend and on the newer renderer this time.
Are you using the new renderer or the old?
Actually, decided go with old renderer first and compare both for issues for my own pleasure. On change to R2 then, ''Apply Video'' does prompt for saving settings so with this in mind, something broke somewhere. Small issues like this don't cause chain reactions at all, plus its unrelated to 1.02.
When I switch rend2, should I do additional settings that your suspicious may cause trouble for the public version? Mention I have 7750 for graphics card (Radeon), runs game more than fine with any settings. … … -cvars.txt <- This is slightly out of date...Just reference for some default values, etc.
Aware of this readme. Um... I can use the common ones like HDR, PP, AA, really dunno if I would else dare try the parallax thingies I have no idea how must work and if I ever could recognise if working. Sorry, not much into advanced graphical settings in games these days.
Is the proper way to move between renderers like this... /cl_renderer rend2 (as pointed) for newer and /cl_renderer 0 switch back OpenGL? Am I doing it right?
p.s.: updated my last post with more detailed info.
/cl_renderer rend2; vid_restart <- new
/cl_renderer opengl1; vid_restart <- old
So! We played and surprisingly, without much confusion that was messed ports at mates' router. Here is what I performed and asked my man do to the exact same, while we were communicating via Skype:
REND2 with activated Post Processing, HDR, Tone Mapping and r_autoExposure, tested resolutions ranging from 800x600 to 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 for known reasons (as this is standard resolution for monitors nowadays)
First impression, game looks way darker kind awesome. Though setting brightness to maximum does little the change, and its my monitor brightness lowered to minimum I know. No console errors. Windows 7 user here with 64 bit option.
Load screen logo looks weird with assuming exposure enabled. Pixelated? Does not happen on original renderer. Just turn it off.
Settings I enabled/or enabled by default:
High Dynamic Range (HDR) - without using any different options, my FPS is rock-solid 80-100.
Post Processing to 1 (default), works as seems, steady FPS with it.
Tone Mapping - on activating, this setting does one exact thing: tones everything down by a slight bit so it looks more creepier, at least to me a dungeon should look like that.
Camera Autoexposure - the autoexposure setting looks really good, adjusting the brightness depending on direction you look at, Awesome. Brighter when activated with Tone Mapping effect. No artifacts!
Force Sun - by default, configured to 1 (yes).
Settings I tried and caused artifacts and troubles:
Despite the warning in readme, r_ssao does not produce any effect than bring up a white screen and unresponsive game (should have had to close it using Task Manager); it happens also when you change for example \r_hdr 0 to 1 and back, and on \vid_restart the game goes in Non Responding state.
Three hour game gone smooth without a single frame-rate drop if I dont mess much with advanced settings. I say pretty superb co-op we did, thought would crash most times but NOPE, as crash-proof as it is, gut werk.
Anything I could do, I am on your service MAN-AT-ARMS.
I believe the SSAO is a known issue but I'll forward it on to the developer who wrote it. (I personally never had any crash from it though I don't play with it on either)
* sometimes music hangs and does not continue again if not force map restart a la forever loop
I rarely get this (I only recall having it happen once) but a /vid_restart or /s_stop; snd_restart should correct it.
* panzer has rapid fire, making it venom-like effective
I'll check it..Not sure I saw this one but I might only use panzer once or twice in the whole game.
I saw some weird blocked path, in one of the buildings with the secret cellar stairs. There is ammo for MP40 on the ground between wine barrels; because column you cant reach the ammo and pick it up, too tight hah
I think there were some item placements that you had to hit the button to pick up.
Unrelated to 1.02 bugs and maybe should have put it in common bugs: if you keep shooting at a dead enemies' bodies', you still gather points like you are killing them over and over again in an endless way. Happens randomly.
I'll see if I can reproduce this. Possibly due to health assignment or something. It takes so much health to kill an enemy and another additional amount to gib it. Maybe the gib value is high. In any case I'll see if I can verify hits after death won't be registered for points.
Apply Video button
Will check on this too.
Did you use the cg_fixedAspect cvar at all? I'm also interested in HUD items that may be misplaced when using this.
Absolutely sir, forgot to mention. Both 0, 1 (4:3) and 3 (16:9) options. Is working well on 1920x1080. Only when select option 3, the widescreen variant, in-game menu on the sides looks bad. Granted, it's because when using that the HUD gets centered and so is the menu that is made for low resolutions.
I would live with that.
Adding/extending missing the interface graphics, e.g. gold_line.tga and gradientbar2.tga (located in sp_pak1.pk3\ui\assets\) may presumably fix the menu aesthetics, like THIS. There is though a problem, would require editing the mentioned assets... Either that or, what about a custom transparent in-game menu with just the RTCW Coop logo and no background so no menu items will look different on high resolutions?
I am in for helping at design, if no one wants to.
Is the 3 a typo on your part?
There is no cg_fixedAspect 3
I'll check the menu alignment though.
Meant say 2, yeah... mistyping. All in all, little to fix before putting that for public download, from what I saw past days of non-stop RTCW gaming
I just ran through the first 4 maps on your server, MAN-AT-ARMS, a basic setup with a 1920x1080 resolution. It was very smooth, the only time I got a little lag was when I tried to use the MG42's in "Escape 2" and "Village 1".
/cl_renderer rend2; vid_restart <- new
/cl_renderer opengl1; vid_restart <- old
What's the difference between these two settings, please? Does the "rend2" version provide better video quality or something like that?
2nd test version addressing the issues posted earlier. (except panzer-venom thing which I didn't know how to reproduce)
Reworked system menu and options, etc.
Win64 …
As mentioned earlier, Pure Server Off, delete any dll files you might have in Documents/RTCWCoop/coopmain.
MAN-AT-ARMS wrote:/cl_renderer rend2; vid_restart <- new
/cl_renderer opengl1; vid_restart <- oldWhat's the difference between these two settings, please? Does the "rend2" version provide better video quality or something like that?
Improved visuals (say ''effects'') with all that matter, HDR, integrated AA filters, so to speak. Basically, that.
Thx M-A-A. Sunday off, so test out then. \o/