there is also a CVAR that controls this. I've played around with it before on 1.0.0 release. Things may have changed since then, not sure.
I'll have to dig that CVAR up but I know there is definitely one that exists.
Or just use MAN-AT-ARMS fix
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 8 available servers. (While there is 1 private server running)
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RTCW COOP → Posts by Heisenberg
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there is also a CVAR that controls this. I've played around with it before on 1.0.0 release. Things may have changed since then, not sure.
I'll have to dig that CVAR up but I know there is definitely one that exists.
Or just use MAN-AT-ARMS fix
Help error re-install the 1.41 point release ''rtcwcoop-1.0.0-win-x64''
Try this 1.0.1 release MAN-AT-ARMS posted : … 1939#p1939
Remember you need the .PK3 files from the original game
This is great news!! Been waiting for this for quite some time now
Does it include the ability to use bind a key using the vstr+ command from rev1664? … ail?r=1664
Thanks again for the link and release. Looking forward to testing this!
edit : It looks like +vstr support has been added. Many thanks for this!
I'm trying to use the Prime Grenade script provided by OutKast with my config. Can anyone help me out with the commands should be?
Prime Grenade Script
Warn teammates about incoming grenades;
press key to switch to grenade and vsay_team ClearPath
release key to throw grenade and vsay_team FireintheHole
adjust binds like below,
bind x "weaponbank 1; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 2; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 3; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 4; exec attack2.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 5; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 6; exec attack1.cfg"
Now create 2 extra .cfg files;
1= attack1.cfg, with:
bind mouse1 "+attack"
2= attack2.cfg, with:
bind mouse1 "+button4; vstr cgren; -button4"
set cgren "vstr cgren1"
set cgren1 "vsay_team ClearPath; +attack; set cgren vstr cgren2"
set cgren2 "vsay_team FireInTheHole; -attack; -attack; exec attack1; set cgren vstr cgren1"
how would I convert that to this?
+vstr gives customizable "+" command support.
That is, with +vstr, a player has the ability to execute a command when a
key is pressed, and another command when the same key is released.
bind x "+vstr cvar1 cvar2"
set cvar1 "vsay Hi"
set cvar2 "say What's Happening??"
press x; vsay "Hi"
release x say "What's Happening??"
You'll have to use wait and single command otherwise you'll have to toggle it. In pseudo something like:
bind X "vsay fireinthehole; weaponbank 4; +attack; wait 250; say_team fire in the hole!; wait 1000; -attack; weaponbank 3"
Explanation (May need some fine tuning):
use vsay / switch to nade / prime the nade so it starts ticking / wait approx. 1/4 of a Second / print in team chat a print.. / wait approx. 1 sec / drop the nade / switch back to SMGKey is to unload any persistent settings. Commands that start with + (like +salute) are meant to be toggle'ables, meaning they work until you hold the button and then call - prefixed command when you release the key to stop doing whatever it is doing. If you type or add in multi line bind + prefixed command it will be like you keep holding that button so make sure you always 'unload' it with - command... etc +attack; -attack.
Hi nate
Thanks for the response and the information. Very helpful to learn from.
About the "wait" command. Somebody told me this is probably the last thing I want to use because it depends on my FPS and is very unreliable. Is that true?
I tried it with different values but I am not able to move, shoot or whatever while the wait command is being executed.
Does the +button4 command do anything? It's recognized but does not seem have any effect.
I might just have to move on but I hate to throw in the towel on something that seems within my reach!
I understand this COOP and not MP so I really can't expect certain things to work but if you could make the script that I shared work, that would be a dream come true!!
BTW, loving the mod!
Thanks guys, I've been studying them hard and taking notes that make sense to me.
Powerful stuff indeed.
Since I've brought this post back to life, I've got a few more cvar questions. Hopefully you can help.
Is it possible to uncap the voice chat limit with a cvar variable?
In the past I've used g_voiceChatsAllowed but that CVAR is not applicable. I'm already using sv_floodprotect 0 but it does not seem to have the effect I'm looking for. I'm trying to enable spam capabilities to test some CFGs.
Is it possible to give the weapons more ammo by default with a server variable?
I'm using cg_gibs "0" but it still leaves behind scraps of bodies. Does this variable work?
Can I use a server variable to give players unlimited sprint?
Is it possible to change the crosshair color? I see that it auto changes with health levels but I'm would like to use a specific color at all times.
Is it possible to disable to flash from gunfire? The only way I have found is to disable the gun all together with cg_drawgun "0". It sounds like cg_muzzleflash "0" would do this but that CVAR does not exist.
Am I able to disable screenshake with a server variable? I'm trying to disable the kickback from enemy fire. g_knockback "0" does have an effect but I still get some screen shaking / movement when getting hit. It sounds like the variable sv_screenshake "0" is what I'm looking for but that one does not exist either.
Is there a way to increase the recharge time for weapons like Sten so you don't have to wait as long after overheating?
I'm trying to get this grenade script to work in COOP but the behavior is strange. Basically what I'm trying to do is let my teammates know I'm priming the grenade with a team vsay command like "Clear the path!" and then execute another vsay like "Fire in the hole" when I release the grenade.
I'm using Outcasts example but it's not working properly. It forces me to press attack again to release the grenade and I also have to toggle between the attack1.cfg and attack2.cfg for it to work at all again. Any script gurus out there?
Prime Grenade Script
Warn teammates about incoming grenades;
press key to switch to grenade and vsay_team ClearPath
release key to throw grenade and vsay_team FireintheHole
adjust binds like below,
bind x "weaponbank 1; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 2; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 3; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 4; exec attack2.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 5; exec attack1.cfg"
bind x "weaponbank 6; exec attack1.cfg"
Now create 2 extra .cfg files;
1= attack1.cfg, with:
bind mouse1 "+attack"
2= attack2.cfg, with:
bind mouse1 "+button4; vstr cgren; -button4"
set cgren "vstr cgren1"
set cgren1 "vsay_team ClearPath; +attack; set cgren vstr cgren2"
set cgren2 "vsay_team FireInTheHole; -attack; -attack; exec attack1; set cgren vstr cgren1"
-------------------------------------------------------------- … 15#p364651
try that
Nice tweak, a value of 3 is interesting, 4 is the danger zone. For those who might be interested, according to RedTop " Primitives have an influence on how RTCW renders its graphics. "0" is auto select, "1" is single gldrawelements, "2" is multiple gldrawelements."
What are some other settings that make a big impact on FPS and getting the edge on gameplay?
all the settings can be configured by cvars, even the default config files (high / low settings, etc) still exist:
lowVidlowCPU.cfgjust exec them in the console
thanks for sharing these. This is the only place I see any mention of these prebuilt setting configs. Are they listed in the documentation as well?
Are the highVidhighCPU.cfg and lowVidlowCPU.cfg the absolute maximum and minimum values you can have? I'm looking for a reference to learn from to make a maximum and minimum CVAR range guide.
Hello my fellow hardcores :
I've always been interested in the RTCW CVARS and what they do. I'm on a quest to educate myself about everything that can be tweaked on the client and server side. I'm putting together descriptions for each one so I understand what they do.
I have some questions, hopefully somebody can help me out.
1. How many CVARS currently exist that can be tweaked? I'm interested in cheat protected ones as well. The "cvarlist" command lists 532. I realize some of these are client and server commands. Just to be sure I understand, are the "g_" and "sv_" and "bot_" are server related only? What others are server and client only? Are there more to the list than just the "532" the "cvarlist" shows? If so, where can I find those? I feel there are many more server CVARs than what the cvrlist command produces. Where can I find a comprehensive list with description on of those? So far I've just been googling different sources. I haven't found a 1 stop shop for anything yet
2. For CVARS like "r_intensity", "r_picmip" etc. how can I find the allowable ranges? For example r_intensity I think the range is 0 being the lowest and 5 being the highest but not sure how to verify that.
3. I'm trying to find descriptions for a couple of CVARs but the Google is results are sparse and I get conflicting results on some. Is there a one stop shop for all of the available CVARS (client and server) with descriptions? I've been gathering info from different sources but not sure my descriptions are correct. Can someone fill in a couple of mystery ones with a description? I've attached a text file with what I think I know about them so far.
Hopefully I'm not boring you guys
Any help would be mucho appreciated!
EDIT : is it possible to make walls transparent with a CVAR? I would assume if there is, it would be cheat protected but I'm still interested in experimenting with it. It seems like "r_showtris 1"seems to do that type of thing.
Bug fixed
Thanks MAA!
Success! So far it seems to be stable.
The CVAR causing the problem is :
set g_doWarmup "1"
I deleted the RTCWCoop folder in the my documents and new settings took effect.
Thanks for the tip Nate.
Thanks again for sharing the server config WolfMP, it's quite useful to work from.
Have you added many things to it?
when you are on irc, we can try some things, in what timezone are you ?
excellent, my timezone is Eastern Time. Let me know when you want me to be on IRC and I'll be there. Looking forward to it, thanks fretn.
This happen to me also, MAA helped me and it happen to be a CVAR issue. I'm not sure exactly which CVAR causes the crash but try this cfg and build off of it. I would add one line at a time till you find the culprit.
set sv_allowdownload "1"
set sv_pure "1"// Logs
//set g_log "server.log"
//set g_logsync "1"
//set logfile "2"// Setserver cvars and hostname
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""
set sv_hostname "CHANGE"
set rconpassword ""//Game Options
set g_freeze "0"
set g_shove "1"
set g_gameskill "2"
set g_spawnpoints "0"
set g_antilag "0"
set g_skipcutscenes "1"
set g_maxlives "0"
set g_sharedlives "0"
set g_friendlyfire "1"
set g_reinforce "1"
set g_gametype "2"
set g_airespawn "0"
set sv_maxcoopclients "4"
set sv_maxrate "0"
seta g_allowVote "1"//exec sprotate.cfg
coopmap escape1
Thanks wolfmp! It's good to know a CVAR is the possible culprit. I've tried your config as is (no changes or additions) but it still crashes. I've even tried removing from the config as but no dice. =/
I wonder if settings are getting cached somewhere other than the server.cfg? Like appdata directory or something.
Good to know the setup looks OK.
Yeah it's driving me nuts but I guess the solution is out of my control.
Let me know what I can do to help pinpoint culprit.
Thanks again
show us the full logs if possible (and configs)
thanks for the reply fretn.
I tried the same setup on different piece of hardware and operating systems. So far I've tried :
* x64 version on Server 2012 r2
* x86 version on XP (it's actually a POSready OS but exact same as XP minus the bloat)
* Stripping the config file to what I think are just there bare essentials although I'm still not sure what the bare essentials are.
* only using the bare minimum pk3 files but I'm not sure what exactly is needed
Attached are my logs, server config and bat file all zipped up.
I would love to know all of the possible settings I am able to set and which ones are obsolete as well. Is there updated list somewhere?
Feel free to edit my server.cfg in any way that you can improve it. I would really appreciate that.
Looking forward to a resolution and improved server config / settings. Thanks for your help!
Hello my fellow RTCW diehards
I've been searching the forums for a solution to this problem but coming up empty. The server crashes with this error when a player leaves but it could be random as well, still testing that.
Has anyone had or seen this problem? Sorry if it has been asked before. Do I need to share more info? (logs, configs)
broadcast: print "Werkin^7 disconnected\n"
ClientDisconnect: 0
==== ShutdownGame ====
----- Server Shutdown (Server fatal crashed: VM_Free(qagame) on running vm) -----
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
Sending heartbeat to
==== ShutdownGame ====
AAS shutdown.
forcefully unloading qagame vm
I've been waiting for this for a while now. So glad to see it's finally ready for public release. It looks like a lot of has change and all looks like good stuff. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Looking forward to seeing you guys on the servers
Hello Heisenberg, it's always great to meet another RtCW Cooperative fan . Sorry to not have spoken with you before, but my Clan are currently testing the beta version of the new release, that's why you won't see our server being displayed right now.
We'll contact you soon in regards to Coop Frag Nights, we play it all the time, we love RtCW Coop .
Sound great! No worries if you missed the new guy. I'm a hardcore fan without a doubt, I'll never let it die.
Looking forward to the upcoming release
How many members are in your clan? Are you guys hanging out on IRC some place?
Hi Sage!
Thank you for the warm welcome. You were right! it's not hard to find other players. Just gotta hang out
it are mostly engine related changes. If you wonder which ones, check the features of the ioq3 project, they are ported to rtcwcoop, thx to man-at-arms
Excellent! I'll check there.
thanks fretn
Heya Welcome
1) A little complicated but quite straight forward;
g_usePassword 1
g_password "password1 password2 ..." // Multiple passwords should be separated by a space
g_needpass "1"2 & 3 Are in second link.
Awesome! I'll start there with my little wolf brain and then I'll be ready to digest more.
Thanks nate!
I would be happy to help too.
I'm here if needed.
Sorry to bump an old thread but is this still happening?
I would love to do this!
Hi guys, new here!
Got a couple of questions. I don't mind reading and figuring things out but I am looking for a cheat sheet or quick reference to a couple things.
1. Set server password to join
2. Change max lives
3. Set difficulty
are all of the answers within here?
I'm happy to come aboard. Seems like a fun a community!
Is there a changelog for the new release somewhere?
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RTCW COOP → Posts by Heisenberg