Re: A thread for requesting new features
Are they still around ? (and willing to help porting them to rtcwcoop ?)
Like RTCW Single Player but together ! | Currently there is nobody on 8 available servers. (While there is 1 private server running)
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Are they still around ? (and willing to help porting them to rtcwcoop ?)
Are they still around ? (and willing to help porting them to rtcwcoop ?)
I sent him a email ... im waiting if he response.
great, thanks !
OK i asked him if we can add TimeGate and he said yes.
Now i sent him another email if he can help for this project.
Any news on the airespawn script command? AI respawning feature cannot really work unless every single bot's respawning possibilty is controlled from the file. I understand that adding these commands to every map would take a lot of time, but coding the command should not take much time. Help can be provided once the feature is there. Before this is done, we can't really play with AI respawn, because it's not fun when AI's respawn all the time everywhere.
Any news on the airespawn script command? AI respawning feature cannot really work unless every single bot's respawning possibilty is controlled from the file. I understand that adding these commands to every map would take a lot of time, but coding the command should not take much time. Help can be provided once the feature is there. Before this is done, we can't really play with AI respawn, because it's not fun when AI's respawn all the time everywhere.
so basicly a command 'norespawn' in the attributes section of the bot is what you want ? (or respawn 'yes' / respawn 'no')
respawns <max number of respawns>
where 0 disables the respawning for this bot ?
I'll add this, its not much work
Currently bots only respawn if no players are around them, so thats a way to control it a bit
What I meant is the on/off way. You can define in map's script if and when a bot can or cannot respawn. So "respawn on/off" command for each bot. And you can turn it on/off when ever you want. Would be "on" by default. Of course these would be ignored when g_airespawn = 0.
Do mind that death event should still be executed. Some scripts are executed from death. Death event must not be executed twice or something can break. You can either stop it in the code or do it from the AI script. Stopping it from the AI script is preferable, but will require more work to go through all the scripts (very easy but would take some hours).
Having max respawn times scriptable for each bot would not hurt either. But do not include it to the main command.
So atleast (placed like any other AI script command):
respawn on/off (where on is default)
and if you like for extra
maxrespawn <n> (where 0 is unlimited and default)
but if you can configure only the numrespawns <number>
you can use it as an on off too, on = 1 (or more), off = 0
I think this is a bit more flexible, or not ?
Well it's fine. Makes sure it just resets the old values and counts every time a new command is applied.
So you could do for example this: Start up with numrespawns 10 and after a certain gameplay event that "weakens the enemy" you can change it to numrespawns 3 and it would forget everything regarding that value of 10. And then you could turn it to 0 when players do another event that would weaken them (if 3 is down to 0 already it would not affect ofc). So better team = enemies weaken faster like in reality.
Also we must be able to know when the bot is dead in the script. When finally 100% dead after 10 respawns or just dead for the first time. So don't let this number of respawns be controlled with any cvar or skill setting, mappers need full control over this. Some objectives might require knowing absolute alive/dead count (eg. when everyone is 100% dead, it is safe to do something).
If you make the command for the next release I can be bug testing and experimenting with the feature on my own maps before it would be applied to official maps, if you like.
Ps what came to my mind regarding the death event. Maybe you can execute "death" when bot dies for the first time. And "death1" "death2" "death3"... "deathN" for each death after first respawn. Then we would have full control, plus we would not have to edit any existing maps. So nothing would break..
there is already an event called 'fakedeath', when a bot dies but will respawn, when he really dies 'death' trigger is triggered
Cool! Good to know. Correct me if I did not understand right. So basicly right now when g_airespawn =1, then fakedeath is called and when g_airespawn = 0, then death is called? Or are you already limiting the times the ai can respawn? I take it you already corrected any possible scripts executed from death event then.
gibbing kills them forever iirc
now that I think of it thats maybe we see so many bugs with respawning ai, their death triggers dont get triggered (unless you gib them)