(36 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Wise thread. While generally we avoid adding new stuff in until we finish ones that are already in process or were planned earlier, but it's always nice to have a request list on a side for later on.

I agree that shove is kinda essential so I went along with it and added in. It should be available in next release, or if you are inpatient grab it from the source -> In that case, set server as unpure so other clients using official release can still connect and play.

FYI, I've hook it under "activate" button. Meaning, you use same key for pushing players away as you use for opening the doors as there's no point making a whole new key for it and forcing users to bind a new key for something like that...

As for more ammo. Fretn is currently working on a "buy" feature. Where players can buy more ammo, weapons..using points they've earned along the game. At the moment I'm not sure if this is whole new game type or will be available in all game types, but he can say more about it. smile


(97 replies, posted in Bug reports)

You mean as going to any server and typing /a1_pass and pressing enter?

That will only offer password you last set, by either a server config, local server etc..

If that's the case and you think I'm wrong, feel free to try to login on mine server -> RTCWx.com  COOP. It's fully managed, so it will log any attempt, fail or success and we can go from there on.. smile

If there's something different, by all means, explain it more detailed.


(3 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)


default files are located in:
OS drive- \Users\your-user\AppData\Roaming\Wolfenstein

In my case, on this computer windows user account is called main and windows are installed on C drive, so full path looks like;

Hope it's clear enough. smile


(97 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Generally you can run any for server...dedicated just makes more sense on top of that, it exists with less stuff in and is meant for being well,  dedicated..so servers don't need to have the game executable at all.

I don't quite know what the philosophy was for ded to be come to existance but it dates back to rtcw release if I recall right. Basically from 1.33 or 1.4 version, as it was meant that server hosters could host a game without serial key (that was required before) but could not actually play the game as dedicated just hosts it etc.. may be totally wrong on this one, but that's what I figured out about it really. But doesn't really matter, just felt nostalgic a little.. smile


(97 replies, posted in Bug reports)

TitaN655 wrote:
nate wrote:

Does it not appear only when using mg42 or in general? Also, did you have blood flash enabled or disabled (blood hit on HUD option in menu)?

All settings I was using are default (accept those settings which are not yet automatically set for co-op settings)
Blood Flash is enabled; if I am shot while not using an MG42, then I get the blood flash. If I am using an MG42, I do not get any blood flash, just hits, and -hp.
I discovered this while using the MG42 in Village1 at the top of the building players start in.

Ah..was little tired and thought you mean fg42 and couldn't figure out how/why since there's nothing to cause the bug in that case.

..Nah. I never touched any mg42 code but I'll take look into it. Should hopefully be fixed till next release. smile


(97 replies, posted in Bug reports)

Most of the bugs are already known, some I don't know about but I'm sure fretn or marvin do, if not, they can be added to the list.

I'm just wondering about;
- The blood flash screen when being shot does not appear when using MG42s.

Does it not appear only when using mg42 or in general? Also, did you have blood flash enabled or disabled (blood hit on HUD option in menu)?

About "eye candy" stuff - kill ratio, nicer prints (for call votes, following player, deaths..) is something I had in mind as well, I just didn't address it yet because there are other more important things, but it's planned for later on when more crucial stuff gets fixed - like crashes and player overflows.. =<

As far XP like ET type system, I fear this is near to impossible. Problem is that there's no way to track users..et uses guids to track users, guids as you know are assigned by authorization process that gives guid to new users .. basically the same as serial keys in rtcw..problem is, nothing else but a serial key alike process is solid for tracking in a way it can't be spoofed by conventional methods. Kinda beats the purpose of having XP alike system if random user can spoof your ID and takes over your points and continues from there on...same problem is tied to banning ..as at this point it will have to relay on IP's and that's kinda..well lame but currently the only way.

If anyone has a valid solution - one that doesn't require building whole authorization infrastructure (database) and processes tied to it - how to track users as genuine I'm listening..as that method could be used for banning as well then. For the info - mac's, hdd etc..that all can be spoofed relatively easy thus useless.

I'm sure fretn will have more to say about rest of the stuff, overall great input. wink


(14 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Glad you sort it out.

For the future reference since you mention it. For mods if there are any at any stage..it's pretty much the same with difference you also add +set fs_game YourMod into startup line and dump in YourMod folder bin.pk3 of your mod, config (e.g. server.cfg) and you're ready to go.. smile


(14 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Basic way to run it in your case, just create a batch file (bat) and add this in:

rtcwcoop_ded.exe +set dedicated 2 +coopmap escape1 +exec server.cfg

Create server.cfg inside your coop\main folder, dump in settings you want to use (Look at bottom of this post for reference) and simply run your bat file and server will be streaming to internet with settings you set.
Linux is not hard to set either, you just need a little different approach - naturally, it really depends how you run your game..in CLI using screen or some function, or have an actual game panel so you need to tweak it to work with it etc..

Basic server.cfg example:

// Server
seta sv_hostname "COOP server"
seta sv_minrate "8000"
seta sv_maxrate "25000"
seta sv_rconPassword ""

seta g_freeze "0" // Player is freezed on spawn and mate has to knife him to be able to move..
seta g_gameskill "2" // 0 = test, 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard
seta g_airespawn "0" // Respawn Enemies...
seta g_spawnpoints "0" // 0 = auto saves each 30 seconds, 1 = flags
seta g_maxspawnpoints "2" // 0 = no limit, else a limit of respawn points per game
seta sv_maxcoopclients "8" // Max players
seta sv_maxclients "128"  // Counts bots as well
seta g_maxlives "2" // Maximum lives per round
seta g_sharedlives "1" // Divides g_maxlives between all clients - otherwise each gets maxlives..
seta g_friendlyfire "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = on but takes attackers hp + score instead of victims, 3 = same as 2 but takes more score
seta g_limbotime "30000" // 30000 = 3 sec for speedrun gametype
seta g_reinforce "2" // 0 = default enemies spawn, 1 = more enemies spawn, 2 = even more enemies spawn

seta a1_pass "low"
seta a2_pass "med"
seta a3_pass "owner"
seta a1_tag "^1Member"
seta a2_tag "^3Admin"
seta a3_tag "^0Admin"
seta a1_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore"
seta a2_cmds "g_allowvote slap specs ignore unignore clientignore clientunignore kick clientkick coop nextmap"
seta a3_cmds "g_allowvote rconpassword" // Server specific only..
seta a3_allowAll "1" // So level 3 can execute any Admin command.
seta adm_help "1" // Let admins know what they can use by allowing !list_cmds
seta g_extendedLog "1" // Log essentials only.
seta g_votesPerUser "2" // 2 votes for user per round are more then enough.

// Kick start the map if it's not set in command line
//coopmap village2

Naturally there's more cvars you can set, but those are general ones.

You can find basic settings for game here (CVARS section):

And for administration specific settings here:

Should be quite self explaining. smile


(14 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)


Glad you like it, there's still much to be done but it's slowly getting there. smile

What problem do you have with setting a dedicated server?


(115 replies, posted in RTCW Coop)

Since it may be a little challenging or confusing to deal with server administration and wiki pages are not fully up to date since project is still in developing process, I'm making this topic for any questions or help anyone needs about it.

So if there's anything ask here, and I'll do my best to replay fast.

Reference: http://code.google.com/p/bzzwolfsp/wiki/Administration

I just ask you avoid spamming and go directly to point so we can keep this thread simple for others that come after you. wink