about the buy feature, its already in, its activated for the battle gametype only
everything you pickup gives you points, your damage that you do also scores you points. Buying ammo, weapons or health costs points.
The scoring system also works different in battle (compared to beta releases), there are three criteria: dmg given/done ratio, number of deaths and score. The player who scores highest in at least two of these wins the battle (round).
There are two ways to buy things, use the buy command: type /buy to see all the options, prices of guns and ammo or use the /quickbuy menu (ala voicechat) to buy things
The prices of everything need to be balanced, but this is only possible after some games, all this was coded in 2 evenings without a lot of testing, shame on me, but I didnt like the previous battle scoring system enough to have it in the public release
shove: I planned to add this a long time ago, but I never came around, I'm glad nate did it already ! 
about the next release, I think to release shortly a 0.9.1 version, with some small bugfixes and small new features, to keep the flow of the game going, so people have new stuff to play with and dont get bored with the bugs. One of the things I'm currently working on are some fun statistics (ending scoreboard awards) for the coop gametype.